We Want YOU!

By now you will know that NRLSCTalk is a community that feeds off discussion and differences of opinion. You probably also get a bit sick of the same few posters writing the odd article here and there. So, now is your chance to get involved in a bigger way than just commenting within a post!

We would love to fill the site with fantastic opinion pieces this pre-season and want you, our loyal community, to be part of it and have a chance to write an article.

There are two areas in which you can get involved.

  1. Players of interest articles
  2. Club previews

If you would like to write one of these then we would love to see what you have to offer. It is very much a first in best dressed invitation, so if you’re keen please leave a comment below and we will reach out to you.



Wenin is one of the founding fathers of the NRLSCTalk website who's Tuesday Teams Analysis has been a feature post on the site for close to a decade. He also loves a good steak bet!

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I’m keen to give it a go writing up an article about certain teams or players. Been playing since 2011 with main focus on supercoach draft, however, do play the regular format also.



Hi I’m Keen to do an article about Tim lafai and relate it to players increased stats and involvement when playing for a contract


You know what, if it’s not stepping on anyone’s toes I can have a crack at the Broncos club preview.

The Aesthetics Crew

Hey lads,

Souths fan here…can have a go at Souths preview if you like.



Happy to do the Sharks one again if no one else wants to 🙂


I vote for Rooster1 to do the Roosters preview 😎


Haha . I love to but I’m in process of. Opening massage shop for stress relief ‍♂️ When open i let u all know. Its me melbourne. I just got to lay out got Concil approval. I’m partner. Of this business. I hoping. Funding. A segment for next year. You all know i good for my word just. My texting is shocking. Some of my tips like the immortal lemon . J Plaivia
Thank you gentle man shop be open 2 or 3 work just sign contract tomorrow morning


Hi guys, I wouldn’t mind trying my hand at a few Player of interest articles.


Hi guys, I would also be interested in doing a a few Player of interest articles 🙂


Stupid q sorry guys but how do I edit my user name for my profile or alternatively delete my account n create a new 1? :p


Used to be through Gravatar


thx mate cudnt change my user name tho :p hehe


I am happy to do the Panthers preview again if no one desperately wants to do it.


Tigers if needed Il give it a shot


Don’t mind doing a Raiders preview if available.


Hey Lads,

Keen to help out with any pre-season stuff you guys need. Done a few pre-season articles over the years on the site so pretty familiar with the format etc. Just let me know what you’d like done (@BiggieT23 on Twitter or biggiet2301@gmail.com)

Been doing a bit of writing for Fox Sports, SC Addicts and The Roar recently so if you guys need any articles written throughout the season, feel free to hit me up on twitter and I’m more than keen to help out.

Cheers – Thomas.


Also if no one’s volunteered for the Tigers preview I’d be keen.

Camo's Crusaders


Is there a chance to get lasts years winner on to do an article? I’d love his insight on his season last year ( particularly his round 1 team make up) and thoughts on this year


Hey, if no one has put their hand up I’d love a crack at a club preview for the dreaded Eels. Contact me at jordan_hartigan@hotmail.com cheers!